Thursday, September 27, 2012
Blond Ambition
I haven't walked into a drug store or supermarket-like store without walking past the wall of at home hair dye. I call it a wall of dye because there are multiple choices in who you could turn yourself into in under an hour, at home, in your bathroom. I, like so many women, started at a young age diving head first into the messy, smelly creams where your only protection was a pair of thin plastic gloves and a prayer that you can get the stain off your bathroom sink (or wall, tub, potty, floor, et. cetera). I am also sure we all have our own horror stories as well. I know I have ruined a number of towels in the process of getting the right color. It's all part of the process. I now take measured steps in making sure to cover parts of my bathroom with old towels because this stuff has magical powers and somehow manages to get everywhere - even in the smallest of corners.
If you don't feel comfortable or don't want to spend the time then by all means, visit your local salon. There is nothing wrong with being pampered by a professional who will mix and mingle your hair into its proper hue (or natural hue). I, however, have not met a colorist that I have fallen in love with yet. I'm sure he or she is out there somewhere, armed with a bowl and brush ready for me. I take care of all my own dying needs. I go between semi-permanent dye and a rinse. A rinse is just color that you can use after a good shampoo. Simply apply on your hair, leave in for ten minutes then rinse out, condition and style as you wish. Very little commitment with fantastic results. I recommend using a rise before tackling the semi-permanent dye as well. That way it washes out faster if you end up hating the color. It also does not strip the natural color from your hair as harshly as well. The only downside is that a rise will not lighten your hair unless you have taken the proper steps first. I do not recommend anyone lightening their hair unless you thoroughly research the products and know your hair type. There are numerous products that will have you go from dark hair to light hair in about two hours at home but if you do it wrong, your hair may fall out. Scary stuff, I know, but it's very possible so please, READ instructions carefully! Your scalp is a tender god/goddess that deserves love too!
I have been a blond in my life. Yes, a blond. I enjoyed it for a few months then went back to dark hair. I didn't look like myself or feel like myself so I chose not to kept it. It was also very hard to maintain the color. I had to deep condition my hair more often. We're talking almost twice a week versus once every seven to ten days. Also, my ends were split more often as well. I was not a happy camper. The worst part of all, when I went for my usual hair trim, the woman suggested I cut more inches off due to the damage done by the process of going lighter. That was enough to convince me it was time to change. Over a year, I went for regular cuttings and once I was able, I cut most of my hair off into a bob to finally release myself from my blond nightmare. I am not speaking for every "blond" out there, but for me, it was a no sale.
I have used various products and had an allergy to some. I won't recommend a certain product because I don't use the same product each time and I have tried to not use semi-permanent dye on my hair. Au natural, is the way to go. I am currently growing out a recent dye job. I went more auburn this time and use a rinse every few weeks so my roots' rebellion doesn't ruin the party.
Be you. Be beautiful.
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